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    Bearbeitung durch Dr. Bernd Schoenmuth  <>
    mit Unterstützung durch Dr. Susanne von Bargen und Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried Pestemer

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Foto: FG Phytomedizin



Tagungsaktivitäten des FG Phytomedizin


Leitung: Prof. Dr. Carmen Büttner


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften
Fachgebiet Phytomedizin
     Lentzeallee 55-57
     D-14195 Berlin


Address/Adresse (2017):

Humboldt University Berlin
Faculty of Life Sciences
Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute for Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
Department of Crop- and Animal Science
Division Phytomedicine
Lentzeallee 55-57, 
D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem (Germany)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften
Fachgebiet Phytomedizin
Lentzeallee 55-57, 
D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem (Germany)

Tel.:  +49 +30-2093-46 444
Fax:  +49 +30-2093-46 450


Termine 20

Aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis 2017                                                          


 Les Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV), 15.-19.1.2017, Aussois, FR (2 Poster)


 49. DPG-Arbeitskreistagung "Viruskrankheiten der Pflanzen"
            and Joint Meeting with Dutch Plant Virologists, Bonn, DE
(4 Poster, 1 Vortrag)


 Deutsche Baumpflegetage,  Augsburg, DE (1 Poster)


 72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, Wesenufer, AT (7 Poster, 2 Vorträge)


 125th IUFRO World Congress, Freiburg, DE (3 Poster, 3 Vorträge)


 Tropentag, Universität Bonn, DE (2 Poster)

Summe der Vorstellungen und Anmeldungen bis 31.12.2017:
6 Tagungen in 2017; 19 Poster + 6 Vorträge  = 25 Beiträge;
Beiträge 2005 bis 2016: 578 ;
578 + 25 = 603
Beiträge seit 2005


Les Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV), Aussois, 2017, FR


Click on thumbnails to enlarge posters!





Von Bargen S, Bandte M, Rumbou A, Wetzel T, Candresse T, Marais-Colombel A, Faure C, Landgraf M, Langer J, Roßbach J, Büttner C, 2017:

Viruses associated with declining broad-leaved tree species in Europe.

Les Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV), 15.-19.1.2017, Aussois, Frankreich


Poster-Abstract:   14 KB        Poster: 307 KB


Bandte M, Rodriguez MH, Schmidt U, Büttner C
, 2017:

Electrolytic disinfection of nutrient solution to prevent dispersal of plant viruses in irrigation water.

Les Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV), 15.-19.1.2017, Aussois, Frankreich


Poster-Abstract:   15 KB      



49. DPG-AK Viruskrankheiten der Pflanzen
and Joint Meeting with Dutch Plant Virologists, Bonn,
2017, DE

Click on thumbnails to enlarge posters!



Von Bargen S, Rehanek M, Roßbach J, Candresse T, Mühlbach H-P, Rumbou A, Kube M, Bandte M, Büttner C, 2017:

Emaraviruses in woody hosts – how far can you count?

49. Jahrestagung des DPG-Arbeitskreises Viruskrankheiten der Pflanzen, and Joint Meeting with Dutch Plant Virologists, Bonn, 27./28. März 201

  Vortrags-Abstract: 14 KB      


Rehanek M, von Bargen S, Bandte M, Büttner C, 2017:

A novel virus is associated with the ringspot disease of Common oak (Quercus robur).

49. Jahrestagung des DPG-Arbeitskreises Viruskrankheiten der Pflanzen, and Joint Meeting with Dutch Plant Virologists, Bonn, 27./28. März 201

Poster-Abstract:   33 KB        Poster:  104 KB


Cutler J, Langer J, Rodriguez MH, Acosta Losada O, Casierra-Posada F, Castañeda Cardena A, Betancourt Vasquez M, Cueller W, Büttner C, 2017:

Strategies for the implementation of a certification program for virus-tested plant material in Colombia.


49. Jahrestagung des DPG-Arbeitskreises Viruskrankheiten der Pflanzen, and Joint Meeting with Dutch Plant Virologists, Bonn, 27./28. März 201

Poster-Abstract:   17 KB        Poster:  217 KB


Bandte M, Rodriguez MH, Schmidt U, Büttner C, 2017:

Dispersal of plant viruses in irrigation water prevented by electrolytic disinfection of nutrient solution.

49. Jahrestagung des DPG-Arbeitskreises Viruskrankheiten der Pflanzen, and Joint Meeting with Dutch Plant Virologists, Bonn, 27./28. März 201

        Poster: 131 KB


Von Bargen S, Bandte M, Rumbou A, Wetzel T, Candresse T, Marais-Colombel A, Faure C, Landgraf M, Langer J, Roßbach J, Büttner C, 2017:

Viruses associated with diseased broad-leaved tree species in Europe.

49. Jahrestagung des DPG-Arbeitskreises Viruskrankheiten der Pflanzen, and Joint Meeting with Dutch Plant Virologists, Bonn, 27./28. März 201

Poster-Abstract:   13 KB        Poster:  105 KB



Deutsche Baumpflegetage,  Augsburg, 2017, DE


Deutsche Baumpflegetage


Landgraf M, Langer J, Gröhner J, Zinnert L, Bandte M, von Bargen S, Schreiner M, Jäckel B, Büttner C, 2017:

Viruserkrankungen im urbanen Grün – eine Studie an Birken im Berliner Bezirk Steglitz-Zehlendorf.

Posterbeitrag, Deutsche Baumpflegetage, 25. bis 27. April 2016 in Augsburg.


Poster-Abstract:   xxx KB        Poster: 2.834 KB (pdf)




72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, Wesenufer, AT, 2016




Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel-, Veterinär- und Agrarwesen (ALVA)

72. ALVA-Jahrestagung

Tagungsmotto: " Zukunft Obstbau "

Datum: 22.-23. Mai 2017

Ort: Wesenufer an der Donau ( Seminarhotel Wesenufer), Österreich

Tagungsbericht: ISSN 1606-612X



Rehanek M, von Bargen S, Mühlbach HP, Kube M, Bandte M, Büttner C, 2017:

Ein neuartiges Virus ist mit dem Ringfleckensyndrom der Stieleiche (Quercus robur L.) assoziiert.
A novel virus is associated with the ringspot disorder in Common oak (Quercus robur L.)

Vortrag, 72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Zukunft Obstbau";  22./23. Mai 2017, Wesenufer an der Donau, Österreich; Tagungsband, ISSN 1606-612X, S.

Tagungsbandbeitrag: 226 KB            



Cutler J, Langer J, Rodriguez MH, Casierra-Posada F, Acosta O, Castaneda Cardena A, Betancourt Vasquez M, Cuellar W, Büttner C, 2017:

Empfehlungen für nationale gesunde Pflanzenmaterial auf der Grundlage der vorläufigen Viruserkennung in drei wirtschaftlich wichtige Exportprodukte aus Kolumbien.
Strategies for the implementation of a certification program for virus-tested plant material in Colombia.

Vortrag, 72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Zukunft Obstbau";  22./23. Mai 2017, Wesenufer an der Donau, Österreich; Tagungsband ISSN 1606-612X, S. 203-205;

Tagungsbandbeitrag: 211 KB            





Paap M, Gummert A, Dachbrodt-Saaydeh S, Büttner C, 2017:

Untersuchungen zur Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Möhre und Frischkohl in Deutschland. Investigations of pesticide use in carrot and cabbage in Germany.

Vortrag, 72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Zukunft Obstbau";  22./23. Mai 2017, Wesenufer an der Donau, Österreich; Tagungsband ISSN 1606-612X, S. 206-208;


 Tagungsbandbeitrag: 231 KB            


Click on thumbnails to enlarge posters!



Poster Presentation

Zytur S, Bandte M, Rodriguez HM, Gao Y, Schmidt U, Büttner C, 2017:

Erste Erfahrungen mit der elektrolytischen Wasserdesinfektion zur Behandlung von Nährlösung in einem Gewächshausbetrieb.
First operating experience with an electrolytic water disinfection of nutrient solution in a greenhouse production site.

Posterbeitrag, 72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Zukunft Obstbau";  22./23. Mai 2017, Wesenufer an der Donau, Österreich; Tagungsband ISSN 1606-612X, S. 329;

 Tagungsbandbeitrag: 99 KB            

Poster Presentation

Preuß S, Balder H, Büttner C, 2017:

Förderung von Nutzarthropoden in der Gehölzproduktion durch Einsaaten.
Promoting beneficial arthropods in nursery production by the use of sowings.


Posterbeitrag, 72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Zukunft Obstbau";  22./23. Mai 2017, Wesenufer an der Donau, Österreich; Tagungsband ISSN 1606-612X, S. 336-338;

 Poster-Abstract: 63 KB  

Tagungsbandbeitrag: 383 KB                    Poster: 1982 KB (pdf)

Poster Presentation

Pack K, Landgraf M, Bandte M, von Bargen S, Schreiner M, Jäckel B, Büttner C, 2017:

Die Entwicklung einer diagnostisten RT-PCRR zum Nachweis von Carla- und Badnaviren in Birke.
Development of diagnostic RT-PCR for the detection of Carla- and Badnavirus in birch.

Posterbeitrag, 72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Zukunft Obstbau";  22./23. Mai 2017, Wesenufer an der Donau, Österreich; Tagungsband ISSN 1606-612X, S. 339-341;

 Tagungsbandbeitrag: 384 KB              Poster: 1.407 KB (pdf)

Poster Presentation

Gröhner J, Martinez-Oliver A, Landgraf M, Langer J, Bandte M, von Bargen S, Schreiner M, Jäckel B, Büttner C, 2017:

Viruserkrankungen an Birken im urbanen Bereich - eine Studie im Berliner Bezirk Steglitz-Zehlendorf.
Viral diseases in birch in urban areas - a study in Berlin Steglitz-Zehlendorf.

Posterbeitrag, 72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Zukunft Obstbau";  22./23. Mai 2017, Wesenufer an der Donau, Österreich; Tagungsband ISSN 1606-612X, S. 342-344;


 Tagungsbandbeitrag: 286 KB              Poster: 1407 KB (pdf)

Poster Presentation

Opoku EB, Landgraf M, Bandte M, von Bargen S, Büttner C, 2017:

Virale Erkrankungen im urbanen Bereich – eine Projektskizze für Berlin.
Investigation of viral diseases in declining birch trees in urban green – a continuative study in Berlin.

Posterbeitrag, 72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Zukunft Obstbau";  22./23. Mai 2017, Wesenufer an der Donau, Österreich; Tagungsband ISSN 1606-612X, S. 345-346;


Tagungsbandbeitrag: 131 KB              Poster: 163 KB (pdf)

Poster Presentation

Demiral R, von Bargen S, Roßbach J, Büttner C, 2017:

Untersuchung RNA2 kodierter Proteine (X3, X4, MP) des Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) und zweier Nicht-Strukturproteine des European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus (EMARaV).
Investigation of RNA2 encoded proteins (X3, X4, MP) of Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) and a non-structural protein of European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus (EMARaV).

Posterbeitrag, 72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Zukunft Obstbau";  22./23. Mai 2017, Wesenufer an der Donau, Österreich; Tagungsband ISSN 1606-612X, S. 347-349;


 Tagungsbandbeitrag: 256 KB              Poster: 823 KB (pdf)

Poster Presentation

Von Bargen S, Stummer J, Zajac K, Büttner C, 2017:

Nachweis von Pflanzenviren in Rosen (Rosa sp.) einer Sorten-Sammlung in Deutschland.
Detection of plant viruses in roses (Rosa sp.) from a German rose collection.

Posterbeitrag, 72. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Zukunft Obstbau";  22./23. Mai 2017, Wesenufer an der Donau, Österreich; Tagungsband ISSN 1606-612X, S. 352-354;

 Tagungsbandbeitrag: 367 KB              Poster: 2318 KB (pdf)



125th IUFRO World Congress, Freiburg, 2017, DE


International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

IUFRO – 125th Anniversary Congress 2017 | 18 – 22 September 2017, Freiburg, Germany ...


Oral Presentation   

Landgraf M, Langer J, Gröhner J, Zinnert L, Bandte M, von Bargen S, Schreiner M, Jäckel B, Büttner C, 2017:

Viral presence in birch in urban areas – a study case from urban green of Berlin.

Oral presentation at 125th IUFRO World Congress, 18-22 September 2017, Freiburg, Germany

 Abstract: (IUFRO17-502)
Roadside trees as well as trees in parks and public gardens increasingly show defoliation and degeneration leading to tree felling. In Berlin biological causes of felling are predominant, whereas the proportion of storm damage, accidental and other damages is low.
Recently, viral plant diseases attracted attention as causal and/or contributing factor in the decline of trees in urban green. In early summer of 2015 and 2016 birch (Betula spp.) road side trees were inspected in Steglitz-Zehlendorf, an administrative district of Berlin. Samples were taken from tree crowns exhibiting virus-suspected leaf symptoms like mottling, chlorotic ringspots and line patterns and have been investigated by molecular biological methods (RT-PCR). The diversity of observed symptoms indicates a mixed infection.
Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) and Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) were identified using established protocols. New genetic information derived from NGS data enabled the detection of two non-characterized viral species of the genus Badna- und Carlaviruses. For the detection of these viruses, a method for routine diagnosis was developed and applied to investigate birch leaf material gained from diseased and asymptomatic road side trees in 2015 and 2016.

Oral Presentation   

Von Bargen S, Rehanek M, Zinnert L, Roßbach J, Mühlbach HP, Rumbou A, Candresse T, Bandte M, Büttner C, 2017: 

Discovery of novel emaraviruses in diseased broad-leaved tree species .

Oral presentation at 125th IUFRO Anniversary World Congress, 18-22 September 2017, Freiburg, Germany

 Abstract: 38 KB   


Von Bargen S, Rehanek M, Mühlbach HP, Rumbou A, Candresse T, Kube M, Bandte M, Büttner C, 2017:

A novel virus is associated with the ringspot disease in Common oak (Quercus robur) .

Poster presentation at 125th IUFRO Anniversary World Congress, 18-22 September 2017, Freiburg, Germany


   Poster-Abstract: 38 KB               Poster: 228 (pdf)



Rumbou A, Candresse T, Marais, A, Langer J, Büttner C, 2017:

A novel putative Badnavirus associated with the ‘birch leaf-roll disease’ in Europe

Poster presentation at 125th IUFRO Anniversary World Congress, 18-22 September 2017, Freiburg, Germany


   Poster-Abstract (IUFRO17-1785)              Poster: xxxx (pdf)

Abstract: A virus-associated birch epidemic constitutes a serious current problem for the birch forests and urban stands health throughout Europe. The disease was first recognised as a phytopathological problem in Finland and was described as 'birch leaf-roll disease' in 2006. Diseased trees exhibit foliar disorders including vein banding, leaf roll, chlorosis with subsequent necrosis gradually leading trees to decline. Transmission by grafting from symptomatic Betula pubescens donor trees from Rovaniemi, Finland, to non-symptomatic B. pubescens seedlings was successful and the grafted seedlings developed symptoms similar to those of donor trees. NGS data obtained by RNA-Seq analysis using leaf tissues from the grafted seedlings as well as from the original donor trees showed that the grafted B. pubescens seedlings were predominantly infected by a novel putative Badnavirus genus member. Badnaviruses are double-stranded DNA pararetroviruses and one of the eight genera of the family Caulimoviridae. They have bacilliform particles and replicate through an RNA intermediate, like retroviruses. The new virome data offer new interpretations regarding the cause of the 'birch leaf-roll disease', including the possible involvement of either the new Badnavirus or a complex of viruses. The novel Badnavirus is suggested to play a principal role in the disease development, as different lines of evidence suggest its episomal, infectious activity.



Jurke I, von Bargen S, Rumbou A, Büttner C, 2017:

Detection of Elm mottle virus (EMoV) and a putative novel Carlavirus in the genus Ulmus in northern Germany.

Presentation at 125th IUFRO Anniversary World Congress, 18-22 September 2017, Freiburg, Germany


   Poster-Abstract: 14 KB               Poster: 861 (pdf)


Oral Presentation   

Bandte M, Rehanek M, Kube M, von Bargen S, Büttner C, 2017:

A new plant virus in Quercus robur – a case study of a conservation seed orchard.

Oral presentation at 125th IUFRO Anniversary World Congress, 18-22 September 2017, Freiburg, Germany

 Abstract (IUFRO17-2328):
Common oaks (Quercus robur L.) with virus-suspected symptoms such as chlorotic ringspots and spots have been described in several surveys focusing on nurseries, forest stands and urban green space since the 1990s. Some of these plants exhibited degenerated twigs and suffered from a distinct loss of vigour. So far no pathogens were determined to account for the disease.  Just recently, we identified a novel Emaravirus in an oak seedling of a gene conservation seed orchard by high-throughput sequencing. The detection of the virus is closely correlated to the observed discoloration. Oak seed orchards aim to support the conservation as well as the development of forest genetic resources provide healthy propagation material.
A long-term survey on the occurrence of plant viruses in a gene conservation seed orchard is presented. This orchard with common oak was established in 1992 in North Rhine-Westphalia with three year old seedlings (origin 817 01, provenience 'von Plettenberg/Hovestadt'). Since 1994 the 3.1 ha orchard comprising 186 taxons, was inspected and sampled at least once a year. The distribution of the characteristic symptoms in the orchard is shown over a period of 20 years and linked to the detection of the novel Emaravirus in individual trees.



Tropentag, Bonn, 2017, DE




Tropentag 2017

"Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts"

September 20 - 22, 2017,
organised by the
University of Bonn and the Center for Development Research, Bonn, Germany

University of Bonn
Bonn, Germany

Annual interdisciplinary conference on Research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development




Cutler J, Lüchau C, Langer J, von Bargen S, Acosta Losada O, Casierra-Posada F, Castañeda Cárdenas A, Betancourt Vasquez M, Cueller W, Stasiukynas EA, Büttner C, 2017:

Development of a certification program for virus-tested plant material in Colombia – a joint initiative.

Poster-Präsentation zum Tropentag, "Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts", 20.-22. Sep.2017, Universität Bonn, Germany


   Poster-Abstract: xx KB               Poster: 1.366 KB (pdf)



Lüchau C, Cutler J, Langer J, von Bargen S, Büttner C, 2017:

Detection and Characterization of a new Ilarvirus in purple passionfruit (Passiflora edulis).

Poster-Präsentation zum Tropentag, "Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts", 20.-22. Sep.2017, Universität Bonn, Germany


   Poster-Abstract: xx KB               Poster: 1.676 KB (pdf)