Bearbeitungsstand:  Di., 11.12.2018, 16:24 Uhr 
      Last update:  11.12.18 16:22:50  

    Bearbeitung durch Bernd Schoenmuth  <>
    mit Unterstützung durch Susanne von Bargen und Wilfried Pestemer

2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012  

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 Foto: FG Phytomedizin

Foto: FG Phytomedizin

Foto: FG Phytomedizin


Tagungsaktivitäten des FG Phytomedizin


Leitung: Prof. Dr. Carmen Büttner


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften
Fachgebiet Phytomedizin
     Lentzeallee 55-57
     D-14195 Berlin


Address (2015):
Humboldt University Berlin
Faculty of Life Sciences
Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute for Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
Department of Crop- and Animal Science
Division Phytomedicine
Lentzeallee 55-57, 
D-14195 Berlin (Germany)

Tel.:  +49 +30-2093-46 444
Fax:  +49 +30-2093-46 450



Aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis 2015                                                          


 15ièmes Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV), Aussois, FR (1 Poster)


 50. Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Jahrestagung (DGG), Freising, DE (2 Poster)


 PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, Potsdam, DE 2015  (1 Poster)


 47. Jahrestagung des DPG-AK Viruskrankheiten der Pflanzen, Berlin, DE
     (7 Poster, 3 Vorträge)


AAB Conference Advances in Plant Virology, Birmingham, UK (2 Vorträge)


Deutsche Baumpflegetage,  Augsburg, DE (1 Poster)


67th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gent, BE (2 Poster, 2 Vorträge)

01.-02.06. 2015

 70. ALVA-Jahrestagung, Graz, AT  (5 Poster, 1 Vortrag)


 XVII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), Berlin, DE  (8 Poster, 5 Vorträge)


 IUFRO-Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", Berlin, DE 
(8 Poster, 5 Vorträge)


 Tropentag , Berlin, DE  (1 Poster)


 1st Cost-Conference Action FA1407 Divas, Ljubljana, Slowenien  (1 Poster)


Summe 12.10.2015: 11 Tagungen in 2015; 37 Poster + 18 Vorträge  = 55 Beiträge; 550 Beiträge seit 2005


15ièmes Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV), Aussois 2015 (France)




Tagung "15ièmes Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV)" in Aussois, Frankreich

(15th French Plant Virology Meeting) (Francaise) (English)



Langer J, Toumnou LA, Mukoye B, von Bargen S, Bandte M, Ulrichs C, Wanjohi W, Büttner C, 2015:

A first survey on plant viruses in African nightshade of small farms in Western Kenya.

Tagung "15ièmes Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV)"  in Aussois, Frankreich vom 18.-22. Januar 2015


Poster-Abstract:   29 KB        Poster: 8.135 KB



50. Horticultural Science Conference, Freising 2015









50. Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Jahrestagung
Internationales WeGa-Symposium


24. - 28.02.2015

Generalthema „Urbaner Gartenbau“

TU München
HS Weihenstephan-Triesdorf


Rodriguez M-H, Bandte M, Fischer G, Büttner C, 2015:

Potential von Kaliumhypochlorit zur Inaktivierung ausgewählter pilzlicher, bakterieller und viraler Pflanzenkrankheitserreger.

Poster presentation. 50. Horticultural Science Conference, 24.-28.02. 2015, Freising, Germany

BHGL - Schriftenreihe Band 31, 2015, ISSN 1613-088X, S. 152

Poster-Abstract:   22 KB  


Holz S, Bartoszewski G, Kube M, Büttner C, 2015:

Impact of silica supplementation on cucumber transcriptome.

Poster presentation. 50. Horticultural Science Conference, 24.-28.02. 2015, Freising, Germany

BHGL - Schriftenreihe Band 31, 2015, ISSN 1613-088X, S. 154

Poster-Abstract:   20 KB         Poster: 1045 KB



 PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, Potsdam, DE 2



Langer J, Toumnou LA, Mukoye B, von Bargen S, Bandte M, Kube M, Ulrichs C, Wanjohi W, Büttner C, 2015:

A first survey on plant viruses in African nightshade of small farms in Western Kenya.

PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, Potsdam, 04.-06. März 2015.

Poster-Abstract:   29 KB        Poster: 8.341 KB




47. Jahrestagung des DPG-AK "Viruskrankheiten der Pflanzen", Berlin 2015



47. Jahrestagung des DPG-AK Viruskrankheiten der Pflanzen

Termin: 16.-17. März 2015

Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft e.V. (DPG)

Detailinformationen (pdf)

Ort: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, FG Phytomedizin, Lentzeallee 55/57, 14195 Berlin


Oral Presentation

Holz S, Bartoszewski G, Kube M, Huettel B, Büttner C, 2015:

Vorstudie zum Einfluss von Silizium auf Cucumber mosaic virus-infizierte Gurken-Gewebekulturen.

Oral presentation. 47th Working group meeting "Plant Virology",
German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health, 16.-17.03.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Vortrags-Abstract:   14 KB

Oral Presentation

Kube M, Büttner C, 2015:

Neue Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen moderner Sequenziertechnologien am Beispiel von Phytoplasmen und verwandten Bakterien.

Oral presentation. 47th Working group meeting "Plant Virology",
German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health, 16.-17.03.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Vortrags-Abstract:    19 KB

Oral Presentation

Breuhahn M, von Bargen S, Langer L, Rott M, Büttner C, 2015:

Studien zur Translationsinitiation der Polyproteine 1 und 2 des Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV).

Oral presentation. 47th Working group meeting "Plant Virology",
German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health, 16.-17.03.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Vortrags-Abstract: 108 KB


Harhausen B, von Bargen S, Büttner C, 2015:

Auftreten von EMARaV und CLRV in Sorbus aucuparia und Betula spp. im skandinavischen Raum und Finnisch Lappland.

Poster presentation. 47th Working group meeting "Plant Virology",
German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health, 16.-17.03.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Poster-Abstract:   69 KB        Poster: 61 KB


Dieckmann HL, Roßbach J, von Bargen S, Mühlbach HP, Büttner C, 2015:

Studien zur Übertragung des European mountain ash ringspot-associated virus (EMARaV) auf putative neue Wirtspflanzen.

Poster presentation. 47th Working group meeting "Plant Virology",
German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health, 16.-17.03.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Poster-Abstract:   110 KB        Poster: 236 KB



Poster presentation

Eisold A-M, Kube M, Holz S, Büttner C, 2015:

'Candidatus Phytoplasma ulmi' affecting Ulmus laevis in Germany.

Poster presentation. 47th Working group meeting "Plant Virology",
German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health, 16.-17.03.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Poster-Abstract:   11 KB       


Langer J, Toumnou AL, Mukoye B, von Bargen S, Bandte M, Ulrichs C, Wanjohi W, Büttner C, 2015:

A first survey on plant virus infections of African nightshade from small farms in Western Kenya.

Poster presentation. 47th Working group meeting "Plant Virology",
German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health, 16.-17.03.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Poster-Abstract:   33 KB        Poster: 8.137 KB


Rumbou A, von Bargen S, Jalkanen R, Büttner C, 2015:

Emergence of "birch-leafroll disease" in Fennoscandia correlated with significant changes in Cherry leaf roll virus population.

Poster presentation. 47th Working group meeting "Plant Virology",
German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health, 16.-17.03.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Poster-Abstract:   100 KB        Poster: 4.070 KB


Rose H, Büttner C, von Bargen S, Langer J, Winter S, Maiß E, 2015:

Erste Untersuchungen zum Nachweis von Potyviren aus afrikanischen Nachtschattengewächsen (Solanum spp.).

Poster presentation. 47th Working group meeting "Plant Virology",
German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health, 16.-17.03.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Wetzel T, Büttner C, Von Bargen S, Rumbou A, Olmos A, Boonham N, Candresse T, Felix R, Font I, Glasa M, alkanen R, Kominek P, Laimer M, Malinowski T, Maliogka V, Minafra A, Ortega Parra N, Poliverari A,  Ravnikar M, Safarova D, Vandervlugt R, Varveri C, Witzell J, Zagrai I, Massart S, 2015:

Current impact and future directions of high throughput sequencing in plant virus diagnostics:
the drivers of COST Action 1407.

Poster presentation. 47th Working group meeting "Plant Virology",
German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health, 16.-17.03.2015, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Poster-Abstract:   19 KB        Poster: 1.663 KB


AAB Conference Advances in Plant Virology, Birmingham, 2015, UK


aab - The Association of Applied Biologists

AAB Conference Advances in Plant Virology,

Advances in Plant Virology - in conjunction with the Society for General Microbiology

31 March - 2 April 2015, ICC Birmingham, UK

Oral Presentation

Von Bargen S, Dierker L, Rott M, Büttner C, 2015:

Analyses of the movement protein coding region of Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV).

Oral contribution:
AAB Conference Advances in Plant Virology, 31 March - 2 April 2015, Birmingham, UK

Abstract:   13 KB

Oral Presentation

Candresse T, Olmos A, Boonham N, Büttner C, Wetzel T, Felix R, Font I, Glasa M, Jalkanen R, Kominek P, Laimer M, Malinowski T, Maliogka V, Minafra A, Ortega Parra N, Poliverari A, Ravnikar M, Safarova D, van der Vlugt R, Varveri C, Witzell J, Zagrai I, Wetzel T, Massart S, 2015:

Current impact and future directions of high throughput sequencing in plant virus diagnostics: The drivers of COST Action 1407.

Oral contribution:
AAB Conference Advances in Plant Virology, 31 March - 2 April 2015, Birmingham, UK

Abstract:   19 KB


 Deutsche Baumpflegetage, Augsburg, 2015, DE




Deutsche Baumpflegetage

2015 fanden die Deutschen Baumpflegetage vom 05. bis 07. Mai in der Messe Augsburg statt. Es ist die größte Veranstaltung zur Baumpflege in Europa mit Fachvorträgen, praktischen Vorführungen und einer begleitenden Messe.



Büttner C, Von Bargen S, Eisold A-M, Bandte M,  Rott M, 2015:

Eine Fallstudie zum Elm mottle virus (EMov) an Ulme (Ulmus sp.)

(A case study of Elm mottle virus (EMoV) in elm (Ulmus sp.) )

Posterbeitrag, Deutsche Baumpflegetage, 05. bis 07. Mai in der Messe Augsburg.

Poster-Abstract:   8 KB        Poster:  226 KB 

Begleitbeitrag im  Jahrbuch der Baumpflege 2015  (ISBN 978-3-87815-248-4)
Haymarket Media, Braunschweig



 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gent, BE, 2015

67th International Symposium on Crop Protection (ISCP), 19 May 2015, Gent, BE,

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Ghent University
Coupure links 653
B-9000 Gent

Oral Presentation

Holz S, Bartoszewski G, Kube M, Huettel B, Büttner C, 2015:
Transcripts differentially expressed in silicon supplemented cucumber cultures and their potential role for Cucumber mosaic virus infection.

Oral presentation. 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection, 19.05.2015, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium. Book of Abstracts, p. 69

Abstract:   71 KB

Oral Presentation

Candresse T, Olmos A, Boonham N, Büttner C, Font IFR, Glasa M, Jalkanen R, Kominek P, Laimer M, Malinowski T, Maliogka V, Minafra A, Ortega N, Poliverari A, Ravnikar M, Safarova D, Vandervlugt R, Varveri C, Witzell J, Zagrai I, Wetzel T, Massart S, 2015:

Current impact and future directions of high throughput sequencing in plant virus diagnostics: the drivers of COST Action 1407.

Oral presentation. 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection, 19.05.2015, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium. Book of Abstracts, p. 6

Abstract:   58 KB

Poster Presentation

Eisold A-M, Kube M, Holz S, Büttner C, 2015:

'Candidatus Phytoplasma ulmi' affecting Ulmus laevis in Germany.

Poster presentation P25. 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection, 19.05.2015, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium. Book of Abstracts, p. 194



Abstract:   117 KB            Poster:   1278 KB

Poster Presentation

Günther T, Büttner C, Käsbohrer A,  Filter M,  2015:

Development of a demonstrator for web based community-resource on mathematical models
in the field of plant protection.

Poster presentation P26. 67th International Symposium on Crop Protection, 19.05.2015, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium. Book of Abstracts, p. 195


P26 Poster-Abstract:  178 KB             P26 Poster:   729 KB



70. ALVA-Tagung, Graz, Österreich, 2015





Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel-, Veterinär- und Agrarwesen (ALVA)

70. ALVA-Jahrestagung

Tagungsmotto: "Bioökonomie in der Primärproduktion"

Zeit: 1.-2. Juni 2015

Ort: Graz, Steiermarkhof (Krottendorferstraße 81)
Beitrags-Anmeldeschluss: Freitag, 6. Februar 2015

Das Programm kann ab 13. März 2015 unter eingesehen werden.


Oral Presentation

Pestemer W, Bischoff G, 2015:

Pflanzenschutzmittel und deren ökotoxikologischen Auswirkungen am Beispiel
der Honigbiene (Apis mellifera).

Vortragsbeitrag, 70. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Bioökonomie in der Primärproduktion";  1./2. Juni 2015, Graz, Österreich; Tagungsbericht (ISSN 1606-612X), S. 110-113

 V23 Vortrags-Abstract plus Tagungsband-Beitrag: 293 KB



Holz S, Kube M, Bartoszewski G, Huettel B, Büttner C, 2015:

Impact of Silica on Cucumber mosaic virus infected cucumber in vitro plants.

Posterbeitrag, 70. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Bioökonomie in der Primärproduktion";  1./2. Juni 2015, Graz, Österreich; Tagungsbericht (ISSN 1606-612X), S. 289-290


 P18 Poster-Abstract:   19 KB        P18 Poster:  871 KB 



Paulke J, Bandte M, Büttner C, 2015:

Eignung von elektrolytisch generiertem Kaliumhypochlorit zur Inaktivierung von Pflanzenviren in rezirkulierender Nährlösungen im Gewächshausanbau von Tomaten.

Posterbeitrag, 70. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Bioökonomie in der Primärproduktion";  1./2. Juni 2015, Graz, Österreich; Tagungsbericht (ISSN 1606-612X), S. 291

P19 Poster-Abstract:   14 KB       


Pauwels R, Rott M, von Bargen S, Büttner C, 2015:

Untersuchungen zum Auftreten des Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) in Birken aus Rovaniemi (Finnland) mit Virus-spezifischen Symptomen.

Posterbeitrag, 70. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Bioökonomie in der Primärproduktion";  1./2. Juni 2015, Graz, Österreich; Tagungsbericht (ISSN 1606-612X), S. 292

P20 Poster-Abstract:   18 KB        P20 Poster:  964 KB   


Rodriguez MH, Bandte M, Fischer G, Büttner C, 2015:

Potential von Kaliumhypochlorit zur Inaktivierung ausgewählter pilzlicher, bakterieller und viraler Pflanzenkrankheitserreger.

Posterbeitrag, 70. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Bioökonomie in der Primärproduktion";  1./2. Juni 2015, Graz, Österreich; Tagungsbericht (ISSN 1606-612X), S. 293

P21 Poster-Abstract:  74 KB       





Vincenz J, Bandte M, Büttner C, 2015:

Ultrafiltration und Ultrazentrifugation zur Konzentrierung von Pflanzenviren in Nährlösung.

Posterbeitrag, 70. ALVA-Jahrestagung, "Bioökonomie in der Primärproduktion";  1./2. Juni 2015, Graz, Österreich; Tagungsbericht (ISSN 1606-612X), S. 294

P22 Poster-Abstract:   14 KB       



XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), Berlin 2015







XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC) 2015,

24-27 August 2015 at Henry Ford Building, Freie Universität Berlin,

Garystraß3 35
14195 Berlin (Germany).

Conference website:


Oral Presentation

Rott M, Büttner C, von Bargen S, 2015:

Establishment of an in-vitro assay for functional characterization of the viral proteinase and processing of RNA2-encoded polyprotein P2 of Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV).

Oral presentation O VIR 5:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 12-13

Abstract:   136 KB

Oral Presentation 

Rumbou A, von Bargen S, Jalkanen R, Büttner C, 2015:

The 'birch-leafroll disease' emerging in forests and urban greens in Fennoscandia - Viral agents associated with the disease.

Oral presentation O TREE 4 :
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 46

Abstract:   103 KB

Oral Presentation

Von Bargen S, Roßbach J, Holz S, Mühlbach HP, Rott M, Kube M, Rumbou A, Büttner C, 2015:

Emaraviruses infecting forest and urban deciduous tree species.

Oral presentation O TREE 5:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 46-47

Abstract:   112 KB

Oral Presentation

Kube M. Quaglino F, Siewert C, Holz S, Büttner C, 2015:

Comparative analysis of Acholeplasmataceae genomes highlights the particular gentic pepertoire of ´Candidatus Phytoplasma` strains.

Oral presentation O PPI I-2:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 63-64

Abstract:   140 KB

Oral Presentation

Bandte M, Rodriguez HM, Fischer G, Schmidt U, Büttner C, 2015:

Potential of electrolytic disinfection of nutrient solution to hamper dispersal of plant pathogens.

Oral presentation O IRR 3:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 120

Abstract:   91 KB


Harhausen B, von Bargen S, Büttner C, 2015:

Occurrence of EMARaV and CLRV in Sorbus aucuparia and Betula spp. in Scandinavia.

Poster P VIRUS 12:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 348

Poster-Abstract:   111 KB         Poster:  133 KB


Dieckmann HL, Roßbach J, Mühlbach HP, von Bargen S, Büttner C, 2015:

Transmission studies of European mountain ash ringspot associated virus (EMARaV) to putative new hosts.

Poster P VIRUS 15:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 350

Poster-Abstract:   126 KB         Poster:  131 KB


Breuhahn M, von Bargen S, Langer L, Rott M, Büttner C, 2015:

Translation initiation studies of the polyproteins encoded by RNA1 and RNA2 of Cherry leaf roll virus.

Poster P VIRUS 16:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 350

Poster-Abstract:   126 KB        Poster:  160 KB


Roßbach J, von Bargen S, Mühlbach HP, Büttner C, 2015:


Localization studies of EMARaV proteins in planta by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.

Poster P VIRUS 25:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 355

 Poster-Abstract:   110 KB        Poster:  223 KB


Langer J, von Bargen S, Büttner, 2015:

Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) - a generalist among plant viruses infecting woody hosts.

Poster P VIRUS 53:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 370

Poster-Abstract:   109 KB         Poster:  --- KB


Rodriguez Aguilar MH, Bandte M, Fischer G, Büttner C, 2015:

Suitability of an electrolytic disinfector to sanitize irrigation water contaminated with plant pathogens.

Poster P N-CCO 63:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 452-453

Poster-Abstract:   210 KB       


Holz S, Duduk B, Mitrovic J, Büttner C, Kube M, 2015:

Detection and genetic variabiliry of Alder yellows phytoplasma in black alder in Spreewald habitat.

Poster P PPI 30:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 532

 Poster-Abstract:   91 KB        Poster:  686 KB


Wetzel T, Büttner C, von Bargen S, Rumbou A, Olmos A, Boonham N, Candresse T, Felix R, Font I, Glasa M, Jalkanen R, Kominek P, Laimer M, Malinowski T, Maliogka V, Minafra A, Ortega Parra N, Poliverari A, Ravnikar M, Safarova D, Vandervlugt R, Varveri C, Witzell J, Zagrai I, Massart S, 2015

COST Action FA1407: Empowering NGS technologies for the study and diagnostic of plant viruses.

Poster P DMD 30:
XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p. 594-595

 Poster-Abstract:   129 KB        Poster:  181 KB



Landgraf M, Gehlsen J, Rumbou A, Bandte M, von Bargen S, Schreiner M, Jäckel B, Büttner, 2015:

Detection of plant viruses in declining urban birch trees in Berlin.
Poster, Suitability of an electrolytic disinfector to sanitize irrigation water contaminated with plant pathogens.

XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), "Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection"; 24-27 August 2015, Berlin (Germany), Book of Abstracts, p.

Poster-Abstract:   --- KB         Poster:  150 KB


IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees" Berlin 2015






IUFRO: International Union of Forest Research Organizations

  • IUFRO-Veranstaltungen:

Das FG Phytomedizin organsiert die Unit 7.02.04
("Phytoplasma and virus diseases of forest trees"). 

Coordinator: Carmen Büttner, Germany;  Deputy: Risto Jalkanen, Finland


25.08.2015: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees" Berlin, Germany


Oral Presentation 
Büttner C, 2015:

A short overview on viruses in forest and urban trees - state of the art

Oral contribution,
IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany

Oral Presentation 
Bandte M, 2015:

Plant viruses in an oak seed-orchard
Oral contribution,
IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany

Oral Presentation 
von Bargen S, 2015:

Molecular studies on Cherry leaf roll virus widespread in woody plants
Oral contribution,
IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany

Oral Presentation 
Rumbou A, von Bargen S, Kube M, Candresse T, Büttner C, 2015:

First experience with next generation sequencing with plant material of forest and urban trees
Oral contribution,
IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany

Oral Presentation 
Kube M, 2015:

Phytoplasma in woody plants
Oral contribution,
IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany


Landgraf M, Gehlsen J, Rumbou A, Bandte M, von Bargen S, Schreiner M, Jäckel B, Büttner, 2015:
Detection of plant viruses in declining urban birch trees in Berlin

IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany

Poster:  150 KB


Breuhahn M, von Bargen S, Langer L, Rott M, Büttner C, 2015:

Translation initiation studies of the polyproteins encoded by RNA1 and RNA2 of Cherry leaf roll virus

IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany


Poster:  160 KB


Harhausen B, von Bargen S, Büttner C, 2015:

Occurrence of EMARaV and CLRV in Sorbus aucuparia and Betula spp. in Scandinavia
IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany


Poster:  133 KB


Dieckmann HL, Roßbach J, Mühlbach HP, von Bargen S, Büttner C, 2015:

Transmission studies of European mountain ash ringspot associated virus (EMARaV) to putative new hosts
IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany


Poster:  131 KB


Roßbach J, von Bargen S, Mühlbach HP, Büttner C, 2015:

Localization studies of EMARaV proteins in planta by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation

IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany


Poster:  223 KB


Holz S, Duduk B, Büttner C, Kube M, 2015:

Detection, taxonomy and genetic variability of Alder Yellows Phytoplasma in Black Alder in Spreewald Habitat
IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany

Poster:  686 KB


Wetzel T, Büttner C, von Bargen S, Rumbou A, Olmos A, Boonham N, Candresse T, Felix R, Font I, Glasa M, Jalkanen R, Kominek P, Laimer M, Malinowski T, Maliogka V, Minafra A, Ortega Parra N, Poliverari A, Ravnikar M, Safarova D, Vandervlugt R, Varveri C, Witzell J, Zagrai I, Massart S, 2015:

COST Action FA1407: Empowering NGS technologies for the study and diagnostic of plant viruses

IUFRO: Evening Workshop "Virus and phytoplasma diseases of forest and urban trees", 25 Aug 2015 Berlin, Germany


Poster:  181 KB




Tropentag, Berlin 2015







Tropentag 2015

International Conference on Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management
and Rural Development

Management of land use systems for enhanced food security:
conflicts, controversies and resolutions

The conference was held at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
September 16 - 18, 2015

Organised by:
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) in Müncheberg
and the Humboldt Universität Berlin



Langer J, Toumnou LA, Mukoye B, von Bargen S, Bandte M, Kube M, Maiss E, Ulrichs C, Wanjohi W, Büttner C, 2015:

A first survey on plant virus infections of African nightshade from small farms in Kenya.

Posterbeitrag; Tropentag 2015; International Conference on Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development "Management of land use systems for enhanced food security:
conflicts, controversies and resolutions", Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, September 16 - 18, 2015

Poster-Abstract:   709 KB       




1st Cost-Conference Action FA1407 Divas, Ljubljana 2015, Slowenien

1st Cost-Conference Action FA1407 Divas,

„Deep investigation on viral associated sequences“

16.-18.11.2015, Ljubljana, Slowenien


Rumbou A, von Bargen S, Büttner C, 2015:

Virus discovery using NGS in trees from urban/forest ecosystems.

Poster; 1st Cost-Conference Action FA1407 Divas, Deep investigation on viral associated sequences“,
16.-18.11.2015, Ljubljana, Slowenien